目前分類:英語 (11)

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Negative thoughts and wrong interpretation(解釋、闡明) of people's words and actions added to my depression. 使我更加憂鬱。

[something 1] and [something 2] added to [something else]. 某事件1 和 某事件2 而使something else更加…。

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Haman fooled the King into condemning(處以刑罰) all the Jews to death.愚弄國王的心意去處死猶太人。

句型:condemn 人 to something 處以 某人 什麼刑罰。

句型:[subject] [verbed] (someone) into doing something. 做什麼事而使某人改變去做某事。

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When Arthur discovered this, Mr. Fox got him fired.(解雇他)

get someone/something +過去分詞

1. Mr. Walters got his car washed at the gas station. (洗車)

2. Wanda got her nail painted at the salon.(彩繪指甲)

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It was more fun than a barrel of moneys. 指非常地開心。

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go to one's head 沖昏了頭、沾沾自喜

1.(指酒)上頭, 使人有醉意
The whisky went straight to my head. 威士忌酒喝得我暈頭轉向。

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Even with Ariana's busy schedule, she finds time to care for others.

句型: Even with..., [subject] finds time to...即使‧‧‧多麼忙的情況,某人撥出時間去做某事。

1.Even with three part-time jobs, Joseph finds time to do this homework.

2.Even with her three little children to look after, Melody finds time to bake a cake every day.

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跟動物有關的英文諺語:鳥 bird

A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush. 一鳥在手勝於兩鳥在林。(把握現在,別空想未來)

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跟動物有關的英文諺語:貓 cat

Curiosity killed the cat.好奇心會害死貓(過份好奇是危險的)。

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If real leadership is about making other people better, then leaders should spend as much as energy supporting teammates as they do pursuing their own personal goals.

句型:If ... is about ... , then...假如某事有關‧‧‧‧‧,那麼‧‧‧就要做那些事。

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跟動物有關的英文諺語:羊 sheep

There is a black sheep in every flock. 到處都有害群之羊。

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Too many cooks really spoil the broth.

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