Haman fooled the King into condemning(處以刑罰) all the Jews to death.愚弄國王的心意去處死猶太人。

句型:condemn 人 to something 處以 某人 什麼刑罰。

句型:[subject] [verbed] (someone) into doing something. 做什麼事而使某人改變去做某事。

1. Uncle Thomas persuaded Ben into buying a piece of property. Thomas叔叔鼓勵Ben去買一件房地產。

2. The school counselor convinced Sabrina into changing her major. 學校輔導人員建議Sabrina去改變主修。

Birds chirping, gentle breezes blowing and flower blooming - all are signs of springtime.都是春季的象徵

句型:[NOUN1] , [NOUN2] and [noun3] - all are signs of (something).....都是某事物的象徵。

1. Headache , sore throat, sneezing - all are signs of the common cold.都是一般感冒的徵狀。

2. Daydreaming , loss of appetite, smiling constantly - all are signs of being in love.都表示正在戀愛中。

Many churches also have Good Friday services 耶穌受難日儀式 with prayer and singing to remember Jesus' death.

句型:‧‧‧‧ have/has....with +動詞. 有什麼活動或設備而可以去做什麼…

1. Many public restrooms have special rooms with changing stations站立的位置 to make it easier for parents to change their babies diapers尿布.

2.This backpack has a special section 部份 inside with waterproof lining 襯裡、內襯、內裡 to keep your belongings dry.

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    open heart 我要開心!

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