[something 1] and [something 2] added to [something else]. 某事件1 和 某事件2 而使something else更加…。
- May 20 Tue 2014 14:47
added to、add insult to injury、overwhelmed、take someone/sth. seriously
Negative thoughts and wrong interpretation(解釋、闡明) of people's words and actions added to my depression. 使我更加憂鬱。
[something 1] and [something 2] added to [something else]. 某事件1 和 某事件2 而使something else更加…。
[something 1] and [something 2] added to [something else]. 某事件1 和 某事件2 而使something else更加…。
- May 09 Fri 2014 14:57
句型:使某人改變心意、are signs of... 和 have ... with ...to...
Haman fooled the King into condemning(處以刑罰) all the Jews to death.愚弄國王的心意去處死猶太人。
句型:condemn 人 to something 處以 某人 什麼刑罰。
句型:[subject] [verbed] (someone) into doing something. 做什麼事而使某人改變去做某事。
句型:condemn 人 to something 處以 某人 什麼刑罰。
句型:[subject] [verbed] (someone) into doing something. 做什麼事而使某人改變去做某事。
- May 08 Thu 2014 15:59
句型:get+過去分詞 和 just then 和wear and tear
When Arthur discovered this, Mr. Fox got him fired.(解雇他)
get someone/something +過去分詞
1. Mr. Walters got his car washed at the gas station. (洗車)
2. Wanda got her nail painted at the salon.(彩繪指甲)
get someone/something +過去分詞
1. Mr. Walters got his car washed at the gas station. (洗車)
2. Wanda got her nail painted at the salon.(彩繪指甲)
- May 05 Mon 2014 13:27
片語 go to one's head 和 down-to-earth 和 behind the scenes 和 on one's last leg
go to one's head 沖昏了頭、沾沾自喜

1.(指酒)上頭, 使人有醉意
The whisky went straight to my head. 威士忌酒喝得我暈頭轉向。
1.(指酒)上頭, 使人有醉意
The whisky went straight to my head. 威士忌酒喝得我暈頭轉向。
- May 02 Fri 2014 11:37
句型:Even with...和 look like‧‧‧和 keep...in sight
Even with Ariana's busy schedule, she finds time to care for others.
句型: Even with..., [subject] finds time to...即使‧‧‧多麼忙的情況,某人撥出時間去做某事。
1.Even with three part-time jobs, Joseph finds time to do this homework.
2.Even with her three little children to look after, Melody finds time to bake a cake every day.
句型: Even with..., [subject] finds time to...即使‧‧‧多麼忙的情況,某人撥出時間去做某事。
1.Even with three part-time jobs, Joseph finds time to do this homework.
2.Even with her three little children to look after, Melody finds time to bake a cake every day.
- Mar 12 Wed 2014 18:10
跟動物有關的英文諺語:鳥 bird
- Mar 11 Tue 2014 18:15
跟動物有關的英文諺語:貓 cat
- Mar 10 Mon 2014 18:17
句型 If ... is about ... 和 But without... 和 someone so ...
If real leadership is about making other people better, then leaders should spend as much as energy supporting teammates as they do pursuing their own personal goals.
句型:If ... is about ... , then...假如某事有關‧‧‧‧‧,那麼‧‧‧就要做那些事。
句型:If ... is about ... , then...假如某事有關‧‧‧‧‧,那麼‧‧‧就要做那些事。
- Mar 10 Mon 2014 17:55
跟動物有關的英文諺語:羊 sheep
- Nov 26 Tue 2013 10:51
Too many cooks really spoil the broth.
- Jul 16 Tue 2013 23:35
劍湖山、古坑華山咖啡 北上 怎麼去?
從台南上國道3北上 華山:下梅山交流道(279.4 k)走縣162往梅山→(接一小段台3)約3.5公里 進梅山市區→過梅山公所不久左行中正路→左轉興中路(縣149)→直走約6公里 →華山
劍湖山:下梅山交流道下來右轉 往梅山方向直行 到第二個Y字路口 (紅綠燈)左轉 走台三線往永光方向
接上續行 一路往
抵 進入後 第一個紅綠燈右轉進入>(會看到往劍湖山指示牌)
直走到底 後會接繼續直行 就會看到劍湖山指示牌左轉
於上 看到劍湖山指示左轉進入就是 劍湖山大門口
- Jul 08 Mon 2013 15:13
- May 30 Thu 2013 19:44
今天1/23、1/24住宿墾丁.夏都沙灘酒店的普羅館雙人房兩夜,我們從高雄搭88快車到墾丁,大約需2.5小時。夏都的側門(橘色普羅館)就能下車,但因為要去波西塔諾館chick in,所以要在夏都的正門口(國境之南的招牌處)下公車。