go to one's head 沖昏了頭、沾沾自喜

1.(指酒)上頭, 使人有醉意
The whisky went straight to my head. 威士忌酒喝得我暈頭轉向。

1) All that praise has really gone to her head. 那些讚揚的確沖昏了她的頭腦。

2 The talented young artist is not letting all of the praise go to her head.

down-to-earth 實際的、樸實的

come down to earth
【口】不再做白日夢; 回到現實中來

behind the scenes 在幕後; 私下

Without the hard work of teammates behind the scenes, that success wouldn't have happened.

narrow-minded 心胸狹窄的﹐氣量小的; 不開放的; 有偏見的

When leaders narrow-mindedly (心胸狹窄地)pursue such goals , they fail to encourage the success of their teammates.

on one's last leg : 形容人累垮了。形容物品瀕臨瓦解、即將報廢,危殆; 糟糕
原由your first leg 、 your second leg 、 your last leg,指長途飛行的轉機,有3段航行,亦可指接力賽跑的一段賽程。

My car is on its last legs - - it keeps breaking down . 我的汽車快不行了--總出毛病。

on one's legs 站著

She has been on her legs all day . 她從早到晚站了一天。

    創作者 opheart 的頭像

    open heart 我要開心!

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